The Sunshine Family

Meet the Sunshine family!

Alice our Diva girl was the poser! She loved to model, and had a certain look to her once she saw the camera infront of her. Her favorite veggies were Bell Peppers, Romaine Lettuce and Carrots. (although she certainly loved her healthy baked treats!) She was the quiet piggie in Sunshine town, but when her sister Squeaky wheeked Alice would join into her choir! 
   Later in life Alice developed a tumur on her belly, but that did not slow her down, nor did it continue to grow. Each day Alice was delighted with joy, she would sing a beautiful soft melody, 
Alice enjoyed spending time with her Chin friend, Frankie. They would play together during floor time, and Frankie would 'Popcorn' when they saw each other, Alice would relax under hidey huts and explore :) 
Alice has reunited with her sister over the rainbow bridge on June 7th, 2016. 
 Click to watch Alice's tribute

Squeaky was our shy piggie. She would always cuddle up next to Alice in the same hut, and even followed her wherever she went. Their bond was  unsurpassable!
It was always hard to get a good picture of her as she was camera shy. Although if you missed Veggie time, she would let you know from her high-pitched wheeking (it's like she knew how to tell time!) Her favorite veggies were Bell Peppers, Lettuces (romaine, red and green leaf) and Parsley. Squeaky had developed a UTI, and even though the tremendous care and love she received, unfortunately the issue worsened, Squeaky crossed the bridge in my arms on February 28, 2015.  
Click to watch Squeaky's tribute

Ollie is our 1 year old Texel Cavy! Right now he is our only piggie here at Sunshine Cavies. He joined the family when I noticed a tiny little 5 week old guinea pig in a small bin at a Rabbit show, once I held him there was no way I could put him down! 
Ollie had quite the hair as he got older, his hair would flow in the wind! (until he decided to chew his sides short, leaving a long "tail" of  hair!) He also has a unique red-orange stripe down his chin.  
Known as the birdie from his "chirping" one day we thought a bird was in the house! It sure was a mystery, and then we realized it was Ollie, we even got it on video! 
Ollie is a true cuddle bug! He will run up to your shoulder and stay there, under your hair. Even if you put him on your lap! He likes all sorts of veggies, except he will stick his nose up to banana! 

Frankie is our 11 year old Chin that we rescued from the fate of euthanasia at one of the shelters.
We have always had Chins, our oldest Chin Opey passed away 2 years ago at the age of 22!
They are one of the most delightful small companions with their comical antics as they popcorn and wall bounce during play, and never to forget their adorable nose wipes!
  We call them our "sweeties". 
 Frankie was best friends with Alice our Peruvian piggie, as Frankie's eye sight (from his cataract) started to become challenged she became his eyes too.  We hope that his sight will not worsen even though animals remarkably adapt, are hearts are saddened that he was burdened with this eye problem (common to the species) but he does continue to do well.

Mr. Beans
Mr. Beans is our 2 year old Mini Rex star bunny!
Just like our Alice, Beans loves the camera! Once you make a high - pitched noise he stands still, and he will pose beautfully. He is very photogentic! 
Beans is also our Hopper, he won 2nd place in an Rabbit Hopping competition. He is learning many tricks to come! 
Don't let him fool you with his adorableness, he will sneak a treat from behind you. (he is food motivated!) 
Mr. Beans is one of the cuddlist and affectionate bunnies I have known, he will come up to you bowing his head down for pets while giving you kisses and if you stop petting him, he may dig at you for more! 
Mr. Beans is his name but sometimes we call him Beanie weany, or Chunky monkey! 

"Hop" by Beans facebook page at

Malcolm is our 1 year old Polish bunny. He joined our family when he was 6 weeks old! He is a sweetie pie, but he does get annoyed easily (he will even bite at your clothes or blanket and try to push it away!)  
Even though Malcolm isn't a cuddle bunny, he likes to follow Mr. Beans, and copy what he does. (like follow the leader!) 
Malcolm is picky what he eats, but when he sees Beans tasting something, sure enough Malcolm will give it a try then decide if he likes it. 
Except the one "treat" Malcolm will go crazy for is Bananas! (what Bunny doesn't?) 


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